Since 2018 Promethean Spark International has been privileged to work closely with DAWAR for the ARTS to provide life coaching programs for at-risk and impoverished youth in the disadvantaged neighborhood of Ezbet Khairallah, in Old Cairo, Egypt. We work with a younger group and an older group for 4-6 weeks, meeting 5 days a week to teach them about goal-setting, leadership, focus, critical thinking, perseverance, and many more skills. Working with Menna Mourad, the director of programming, we were able to establish the Promethean Spark Literacy Center for the youth. At the end of their program, if they work hard and prepare well, they get to travel to the KMT House, in Maadi, to perform alongside performers in the Broadway in Cairo Workshop. We are grateful for all the wonderful collaborators who make this possible each summer.

Promethean Spark International is a registered 501(c)3 public charity.

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+1 (212) 567-0004

[email protected]

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